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Candy Club Subscription Review – April 2019

Megan K.
ByMegan K.Apr 29, 2019 | 8 comments

Candy Club
3.5 overall rating
46 Ratings | 17 Reviews

Candy Club is a candy subscription that sends premier brand name candy to you each month. Each delivery contains six different types of candy based on your "candy profile" that you choose when signing up. As soon as I opened this box I noticed rainbow colors and lamb-shaped candy! WHAT?

The candy comes in six separate 6-ounce or 13-ounce (by volume) containers. The weight varies based on the type of candy.

This is a review of Candy Club’s $29.99/month "mostly sweets" Fun Box which comes in 6-ounce containers. 

My Subscription Addiction pays for this subscription. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About Candy Club

The Subscription Box: Candy Club Fun Box

The Cost: $29.99 + $9.99 shipping per month. ("Party Box" size also available for $49.99/month + shipping)

The Products: Six different types of candy in 6-ounce containers. 

Ships to: U.S. only

Candy Club April 2019 Review

At some point, Candy Club did an overhaul of their whole look and subscription model. Looking at the site would suggest it was as long ago as July. Unbeknownst to us, it seems like we were still grandfathered into the old model which promised *up to 3 pounds of candy* which arrived in three 16 oz. (by volume) containers and some loose mystery candy. We ended up canceling that subscription and signing up again so we could get the new experience which contains six smaller 6 oz. (by volume) containers. The other big difference is that with the new model you aren't able to choose your candies like before, but instead pick a "candy profile" ("mostly sweets" or "mostly sours") which determines what you'll receive each month. They also have a larger "Party Box" size that gives you six 13-ounce containers of candy. I chose the "mostly sweets" profile, FYI.

Guys, this is the first time I have ever gotten an info sheet in this sub and I am SHOOK. It is actually filled with great info about the candies and where they were made, as well as info on the company and how a percentage of their profits goes to The Birthday Party Project, a charity that throws birthday parties for kids who come from disadvantaged situations. This is important info to me personally because it adds value to this subscription, which often gets a little flack for being overpriced.

Let's eat some sweets!

Strawberry Puffs, Spain, 5 oz

I love gummies like this! They are kind of pillowy? I know I am not selling it, but that is the best word I can come up with. They are extra soft and coated in crunchy sugar. They had a pretty traditional strawberry candy taste with a marshmallow flavored base. YUM.

Confetti Drops, The Netherlands, 7 oz

I also got these last month, but I loved them so much I don't mind the repeat at all. They have these cute little crunchy dots coating a gummy center. The flavor is pretty generic "fruit!" but I love the textures of those little sprinkles on the soft center.

S'mores Taffy, USA, 3 oz

I love love love taffy. These taffy pieces were soft and chewy and had a great chocolate, graham flavor. I love that the taffy I get in this sub is always softer and has a little of that traditional salt flavor on the end of each bite.

Blue Razz Laces, The Netherlands, 5 oz

The flavor of these laces was good, but like some licorice products, they had a pretty distinct aftertaste that I don't enjoy. The berry flavor itself was really great though, and I love the long strings!

Cupcake Bites, USA, 7 oz

These look like playdough but taste much better. Super sweet but still loveable, you don't need a ton of these to feel like you have had plenty. They have a great sugary crunch hidden inside the soft cupcake flavored cake centers.

Gummi Lambs, Spain, 5 oz

*heart eyes!* These little lambs are TOO cute. They are also strawberry flavored like our first treat this month, but the texture is totally different. I love how unique the shapes were and I feel like they couldn't have been more perfect for a candy box I received so close to Easter.

Verdict: I am pretty thrilled right off the bat that Candy Club included some sort of information this month. It truly gives this sub more value when you have a little background. I didn't realize the candies in this box came from different countries or that they help support a charity. The candies themselves were quite varied and tasty this month! The Blue Razz Laces were the only misses for me, but I know plenty of licorice lovers out there.  I loved the gummies and bites, and taffy! In total, we received 2 lbs of candy this month, which still seems a little lacking for a $40 box, but the variety, packaging, and context behind the box makes it feel a little more valuable. 

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? It looks like it! Your April box will ship in 1-3 days.

Value Breakdown: At $39.98 for this box on the month-to-month plan, you're paying about $19.99 per pound of candy.

Check out all of our Candy Club reviews and check out our other fave candy boxes!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think of this month's Candy Club

Starting at $39.99
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Candy Club is a candy subscription box that sends up to 2+ pounds of candy to you: a mix of classic favorites to new, trendy treats.

Megan K.
Megan K.
I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.

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I don’t think the fact that someone lives in a certain state or area denies them the many ( MANY) opportunities to buy either Artisanal or gourmet branded candy of their CHOICE.

I’ve always lived in the suburbs of one of 3 major cities in the US in my adult life, each of them extremely divergent in their boutique type offerings for the retail public, and I’ve never had a problem finding exactly what I wanted. Also, in 2 cities, although I lived 20 or more miles out, hand delivery from the candy shoppe was a very economical option. ;).

I had a not- great experience with this company and my first shipment of candy a few years ago.. I received candy with the lids loose, paper and debris all in the candy vessels. This was when they threw in a handful of taffy chews or something similar as well.

I think anyone who loves high quality, gourmet or small batch artisanal candies can find exactly what their heart desires at either a better price or a much better taste payoff through another method.
The exception I am aware of: Sugarfina if a person doesn’t have a physical store nearby because of the high shipping charges.

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Maybe I’m lucky to be from California, where it’s possible to find candies pretty much the same as these at the dollar store, saving over $25 on what they charge for this. I have never seen the value in this sub. It’s like having Disneyland send you little containers of their overpriced candy & you’re supposed to be grateful because it’s Disney or something.

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Or the insanely overpriced Dylan’s candy sub that was reviewed a couple of times. Just because she’s Ralph Lauren’s daughter we’re supposed to be thrilled to have overpriced gummy bears?! I’m not knocking her or anything just saying that the main draw of Dylan’s is the actual stores. It’s a great fun experience but just the candy itself is not worth it. Nothing special about it.

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I want this sub because I love candy and look how cute those little jars are, but having to pay for shipping? Nah!

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Megan K.

I am glad I am not the only person who really gets turned off by shipping. Like.. I KNOW it costs $$$ to transport things, but shipping costs really annoy me!

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Erin S

It honestly wasn’t the price that drove me away but the fact that I couldn’t choose my candy. If I am going to pay that price, I’m not going to be happy if I only like 1 or 2 selections. I do miss it!

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I found the s’mores taffy at my local health food store, its delicious!

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Megan K.

I wish taffy was healthy and god for my teeth. I love it so much because it reminds me of coastal vacations and the sea..

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