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Succulent Studio Plant Subscription Box Review + Coupon – May 2019

Megan K.
ByMegan K.May 16, 2019 | 14 comments

Succulent Studios
4 overall rating
3 Ratings | 2 Reviews

Succulent Studio is a plant subscription box that ships you two Southern California-grown succulent plants each month.

My Subscription Addiction paid for this box. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes).

About Succulent Studio Plant Subscription

The Subscription Box: Succulent Studio

The Cost: $10.00 per month + $6.50 shipping

Deal: Use code MSA5 to save $5 off your first box!

The Products: Two succulent plants grown in Southern California using organic media and fertilizers.

Ships to: US

Succulent Studio May 2019 Box Review

The plants ship inside a cleverly designed cardboard box, which is intended to hold them safely in place during their journey. Then, each individual plant is packaged in a little puff of hay, which is secured with several rubber bands to hold them in place. It looks like the packaging has been redesigned to be even more environmentally friendly! The new pot designs are also awesome because you can plant them directly into their new home, providing less shock to your little baby succulents.

Always included are two cards with an illustration of our plant on one side and info on the back!

Tiscalatengo Gorge Sedum

Look at this little thing! So cute. I tend to really adore rosette shaped succulents and though this one is wee tiny, they tend to grow in trailing clumps and as they mature they actually get a slightly blueish powdery coating to the leaves, which gives them this amazing blue+green palette. If you baby this little succulent enough, it will reward you with long stems tipped with tiny blossoms.

Kalanchoe 'Lavender Scallops'

I used to have one of these plants but it died when I was away for a trip and it was sadly overwatered by a friend who was just trying to help. I love collecting pink plants and the dark purple/pink leaf tips on this one are stunning. I think one reason they stand out so beautifully is that the leaves are variegated, and have white edges leading to the pink which makes it really POP. This is another succulent that will happily gift you beautiful pinkish/red bell-shaped flowers borne on long graceful stems if well cared for.

The Verdict: I am very happy with the variety of succulents included this month and the condition that they arrived in. One of the most amazing things about succulents is the crazy amount of colors and shapes found within this family of plants. I love that we received a pink tinted plant and also one that will eventually lean blue. I look forward to caring for them and hopefully coaxing some tiny little blooms this summer. As usual, you will certainly get larger plants for the $$$ at a local plant store, but if you are looking for something more unique or maybe don't have access to a decent shop in your area, this is an inexpensive subscription that is really fun!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? Yes. According to their site:

Every month, [Succulent Studios picks] 2 plants to send to our subscribers. If you subscribe any time in that month, you will receive that month’s plants.

Coupon -Use code MSA5 to save $5 off your first box!

Value Breakdown: After shipping, this box cost $16.50, meaning each plant costs $8.25.

Check out all of our Succulent Studio reviews and our best subscription boxes for your home!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think about Succulent Studio?

Starting at $11.00
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"California's best succulents sent straight to your door. Subscribe to receive two organically-grown, sustainably-raised succulents every month for just $10 + shipping!"

Megan K.
Megan K.
I love natural/vegan beauty products, Korean skincare, unique jewelry, and weird candies from far away places. When I am not waiting for my next exciting box you can find me painting or taking photographs of interesting people. I never leave home without pug hair somewhere on my shirt and a bold lipstick on my smile.

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How long did it take for you to receive your succulents from purchase date?

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I love succulents. I hated this sub. 2/3 boxes I received had severely damaged plants and when I contacted them and sent pics they told me that with some care they would recover with time. Ummm, I didn’t pay $17 for a rescue project, for that amount I expect healthy plants that will take off an not need rehab. Also, I cancelled my sub immediately after the 2nd box shipped and they still billed me the next month and when I got in touch with them they said they’d reverse the charge but they didn’t so I had to work with my credit card company to reverse the charges. Ugh. Anyway, I’ve found bigger, better, more varied plants for cheaper on Amazon and Etsy. Don’t get this box.

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I love all plants. My succulents I keep in windows with bright light. And I water them about once every 3 to 4 weeks. Just enough to wet the soil, not soak them. And the media you plant them in has to be well draining. My plants grow insanely big. I have to repot them at least once a year. I split them up and give some away to friends.

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I love succulents, and generally get them locally, but this sub has always tempted me. The variety they send I don’t always find locally.

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I love succulents, but have the hardest time keeping them alive, how do you do it?

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Megan K.

I have a pretty green thumb and my secret is basically to ignore them until they are bone dry. Succulents don’t like wet soil. Another statement from my Nana that has always held true: “Plants don’t like wet feet.” AKA their roots shouldn’t stay wet for long.

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I just split some spider plants over the weekend to leave outside, watered them with some fertilizer after that “trauma” and then it stormed all night on top of it and they were left out in it accidentally. Their feet were very, very wet. I’m not sure they will survive….I have plant guilt now. LOL. It didn’t help that it also got very cold that night too suddenly….


Yes, dry them out. This may mean not watering for 6 weeks at a time in the winter. Some species essentially go dormant and don’t really grow if they don’t have much light in the winter (I live in Alaska, so I know from experience) but the rest will do them good and they’ll take off when the light returns.


I’m not very good with succulents (though we have one we got at a Trader Joe’s around September last year that is still alive). I had 3 in my bearded dragon viv but I either overwatered it or underwatered it and it just shriveled up. The other two are doing ok, but the dragon keeps manhandling them and pulling the lobes off.

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If your vivarium is humid, that’s. It a good place for most succulents, unfortunately. To the other comments: I never water on a schedule, especially succulents. I just check them periodically and wait until my succulents are bone dry, then water thoroughly. Definitely need fast-draining soil like succulent mix and a pot with a hole in the bottom. Most succulents like as much light as you can give them and many do well in pots that are on the small side for their size. If you are debating whether to water, don’t.


My secret for keeping plants alive (this really works!!!!):

Have a husband who cares about the houseplants and takes care of their needs.

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That’s so funny, I tried that this time around, but even that didn’t work! 🙂


I’m no expert but I thought I’d share one thing I just recently figured out. I used to water my succulents weekly like my other houseplants with a pretty good amount of water. Turns out they actually prefer less water (I guess that’s not really surprising when you think about it…lol). So I still water weekly but cut the amount of water I give them in half or so. They are thriving. Some of them are actually growing back and I thought they were doomed! They also like a lot of light so I have them in the bay window over my kitchen sink.

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I am not into succulents very much as they always seem so small, however, I love the lavender scallops because of the color.

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