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Wild Woman Box Review + Coupon – August 2020

Christen Russo
ByChristen RussoAug 19, 2020 | 17 comments

Wild Woman Box is a monthly women's subscription box for outdoor lovers with an adventurous spirit. Each box comes filled with gear, snacks, natural personal care and skincare products, and inspiration for getting out into nature. Wild Woman's mission is to make the Great Outdoors accessible and inclusive to all women.

The "inspiration" portion of the Wild Woman subscription comes by way of a card that's sticky tacked to the inside of the box. Each month features a different virtue and a little explanation of how to incorporate it into your life. This month's theme is Accountability. You're encouraged to remove the card from the box and post it somewhere in your space to serve as a reminder of sorts, a challenge, or even just something to ponder.

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out our review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About Wild Woman

The Subscription Box: Wild Woman Box

The Cost: $37.95 per month + shipping. Save with a 3-month subscription.

The Products: Natural body products, trail snacks, gears for the outdoors, and inspiration & encouragement for women to get active outside.

Ships to: The US for $5.95 and internationally for an additional fee.

Wild Woman Box August 2020 "Accountability" Review

To serve as a guide for your unboxing experience, Wild Woman includes a simple slip of paper telling of the contents you can expect and a short explanation of each. At the bottom they encourage subscribers to share their photos of the box on Instagram and Facebook.

They also included this nice Wild Woman sticker with a really cool bear illustration on it. I'd totally rock this on my Nalgene—I'll have to add it to my pile of up-next stickers for when I inevitably lose my current Nalgene and need a new one (a bittersweet day every time). I assume this is the Wild Woman logo since it's also on the front of the box, but I actually don't see it anywhere on their website, so I'm not sure! I'm also unsure if the sticker is a monthly inclusion or simply for first-time subscribers—this is my first month receiving this box and the sticker is not listed on the info sheet so we'll have to wait and see.


Klean Freak Body Wipes, Free Trail Run 4-Pack — Retail Value $5

Updated on 8/18/20 to indicate a $5 retail value for these wipes. When the review initially published, they were listed as $0 (a free trial item).

In my personal history as an outdoors adventurer I usually haven't thought to add wipes to my packing list, however very useful they may have been. But now as a toddler mom, I never leave the house without wipes, even when I leave without my kid. Ha!

Reasons these personal care wipes are fantastic: First, they're made from wood pulp (but still soft), so they're 100% biodegradable and environmentally safe! Eco-friendly efforts were the first thing I looked for on Klean Freak's website because I am fully on board with reducing single-use plastics and products, so I'm really pleased to know this company is considering this. It's undeniably convenient that there is just 1 wipe per package, but I'm making efforts to prioritize the planet over my personal convenience so I'm happy I can use these wipes with a clear conscience. Next, they're bigger than a classic baby wipe so you can cover more ground with the single wipe that comes in each package. Thirdly, they're infused with aloe and witch hazel for their soothing qualities, and the scents are earthy and awesome. The first time I put Klean Freak wipes to the test was after hiking with my nearly 30 pound daughter on my back (I included a photo of said hike above for fun!)—it took way longer to truck up the hills to get back home than I was expecting and I was in a full sweat by the time I got there. After using one of these textured wipes I felt freshened up enough to not need to take a shower right away.

The last thing I'll say about these wipes is that while I'm super pumped to have been introduced to this product, I was a bit surprised to find that it's a trial pack that anyone can get for free from Klean Freak's website. Don't get me wrong—I think that's a really great offering that everyone should take advantage of—but if you're someone who's looking for a really great value from your subscriptions, as opposed to simply valuing a nicely curated experience, that might be disappointing. The fact that pricing isn't listed on the Wild Woman info card might make some subscribers feel blindsided by the fact that the very first item listed in this month's box is kind of a bonus.


Protein Puck "The Maverick," 3.25 oz. — Estimated Value $2.43 (Buy a 16-pack on Amazon for $38.95)

I'll never say "no" to a Protein Puck! I actually received this exact flavor a couple of Cairns ago (read my review of that month's box here) and was glad to see it again. Protein Pucks truly are puck-like in that they're really dense! They make a great trail snack for sharing or eating a little at a time—if you do the latter, I suggest planning ahead and popping it in a resealable bag (Stasher Bags are great). Cocoa, cashews, cinnamon, peanut butter, and hemp seeds, what could be better? This is like my ideal hiking fuel and one that I've whipped up a homemade version of for a number of camping trips and music festivals.

Quick note that it appears Protein Puck has undergone a bit of a brand refresh and is no longer selling this flavor or packaging on their site, but I found a 16-pack for sale on Amazon.


Vooray Active Fanny Pack, Rose Black — Retail Value $19.99

I'm alllll about this fanny pack. I respect people who play verbal gymnastics to try to convince themselves that what they're wearing is not a fanny pack, but I am not one of them; I am unabashed in my fanny pack ways and have a really uncool bright red one that I'm slowly filling with patches, that I love, but that has recently been heisted by my husband. So this lovely-as-can-be pack arrived with spot-on timing! Fanny packs are perfect for music festivals (I keep mentioning music festivals as if they haven't all been canceled, *heart sinks*) and walks, but especially bike rides. Not so much runs if you ask me, though this one has a soft elastic band and a slim buckle that fit snugly and comfortably against my waist, so I can see myself changing my mind! On bike rides I usually pack mine with a snack, my phone, my mask to pop on when I get to areas that are more heavily trafficked, a bike multi-tool, and a tire lever—all of that fit just fine in this slender pack. (A spare tube can be taped or Velcro'd to your bike frame.) And, while I use BlueTooth earbuds these days, I always appreciate when companies design packs of all sorts to have a little wire port so you can listen to stuff hands-free.


Murphy's Mosquito Repellent Incense Cones, 36 count — Retail Value $9.99

After the floral fanny pack, this tube of citronella incense is my favorite item this month. Such a clever way of repelling insects! Our front porch is a dreamy haven that we love to enjoy in the evening, just as all the annoying bugs seem to come out—but it's a breezy spot so it's hard to keep citronella candles lit. Incense isn't totally impermeable to the wind, but sometimes it can withstand little gusts better than candles can. I haven't used these incense cones enough times to speak confidently to their effectiveness, but they seem promising, and if nothing else, they smell nice, which is typically the point of incense anyway.


Snappy Cooling Towel, Scuba Blue — Retail Value $9.49

This towel didn't seem like much at first—I mean, it's great to have a pocket-size towel for random uses out in nature, so an extra is never a bad thing. But as it turns out it's actually it's more than just a cloth. You're supposed to soak it in water, wring it out, then "snap" it 3 times to activate cooling properties. Say what? I wasn't sure if there were chemicals in it or what, but as it turns out the fabric is designed to allow for airflow throughout, which stimulates cooling. I found it to work! I like that its shape is long and thin so you can easily wrap it around your neck or wrist without it feeling too bulky.

Verdict: I had so much fun exploring my first Wild Woman Box! Whereas some outdoor gear subscriptions send items that I end up having to store away until my next big camping or backpacking trip, I found every item in the WW Box to be readily useful and easily integrated into my day-to-day nature adventures, like shorter hikes and park visits. I loved that! I also enjoyed knowing that while this box is curated for women, all of the items can be used by anyone (including the floral fanny pack if that's your style). My favorite item from this box was easily the fanny pack, followed by the incense cones, but really there wasn't one thing I didn't like and use. The curation and quality were fantastic.

Value-wise, this box has a bit of room for improvement. The items add up to a total retail value of $46.90 (updated from $41.90 when this review was first published) when calculated using an estimated value of $2.43 for the Protein Puck and the full price of $19.99 for the fanny pack. For a $37.95 box (or $43.90 if you include shipping), this value isn't very impressive. I'm torn on how to feel about this. On one hand, the amount of items and the selection felt just-right this month and I wouldn't want extra "stuff" to be shoved in just for the math of it. On the other, it doesn't seem like a tall ask to wish for a great value from a subscription box. I'm going to reserve judgment and hope the value is a smidge more healthy next month.

To Wrap Up: 

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, you'll receive the September box. From the Wild Woman Cratejoy page: "Boxes ship out to current subscribers on the 5th of each month. Subscriptions after the 5th will receive the next month's box." 

Value Breakdown: This box costs $43.90 ($37.95 + $5.95 US shipping). I estimate it contained $46.90 worth of goods. There were 5 items included in my box (not counting the sticker). That breaks down to a value of approximately $8.78 per item.

Stay tuned for future Wild Woman reviews, and learn more about our readers' favorite fitness boxes.

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What do you think of the August Wild Woman Box delivery? Do you subscribe to this outdoors box?

Christen Russo
Christen Russo

Hi there, I'm Christen. I am all sorts of things:

🌳 a writer who loves to convey feeling

🌲 a mother who wants to have just as much fun as my kids do

🌳 an outdoors-lover who prioritizes spending time outside with my family

🌲 a low-maintenance self-carer

🌳 a general hungry person with an unstoppable sweet tooth

You'll find me collecting stationery and squirreling away stickers, riding bikes and swimming with my family, creating outfits in colors and silhouettes that make me feel amazing, wearing big earrings, drinking beer and asking my husband to feed me harmonies to sing, taking my vitamins, living for dancing to live music, roping everyone into a craft, being human and vulnerable, and celebrating the phenomenon of being alive.

...and doing it all with energy, delight, and jokes along the way.

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That snapping cooling towel looks pretty neat! I can see it being useful even for indoor workouts during the summer

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Christen Russo

Yes, absolutely! It’s somehow so simple and so nifty at the same time. It really does do a nice job of cooling ya down!

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I don’t consider myself a prude, but the saying on the outside of the box would definitely make me think twice about buying this box in a house with younger children who like to collect the mail.

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Christen Russo

Totally a valid concern, Mary! I admit it surprised me, too, not in a way that offended me but because it didn’t seem entirely necessary.

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Victoria Russo

If I ordered today do you know if I’d receive the August box??

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Christen Russo

Hi Victoria! I did mention in my review that the August box was still available at the time of publication (thanks for pointing that out, Nat) but now I’m realizing I was wrong. I’m so sorry. If you subscribe now you’ll receive the September box. Here’s what WW says: “Boxes ship out to current subscribers on the 5th of each month. Subscriptions after the 5th will receive the next month’s box.” I hope I’m catching you before you subscribed! I’ll update the post now.

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Above in this post it says that this box is still available.

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I didn’t see the wipes free. It says 5 dollars on my end. But even so, that box is not worth 40 dollars to me. Not even close.

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Christen Russo

Thanks for calling that out, Nikki, the wipes must have been on a temporary promotion because they’re showing as $5 for me now, too! I updated the review to reflect the $5 value. That bumps this box up to breaking even, at least!…but just barely, so I didn’t update my mention of an unimpressive value in the verdict.

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Sharon in SE TX

You get a sticker each month. I was a subscriber for a few months, but cancelled because none of my questions about the subscription were answered. I wanted to know what the bear logo represented and if there were ever any spoilers. Not knowing at least one thing you’re getting in advance is a turn off for me especially when it’s semi-expensive.

It’s a reliable box and I liked the things I was sent. The owner of this box recently announced another box for kids.

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Christen Russo

Is it the same bear sticker each month? I noticed a really pretty “keep nature wild” sticker in one of their past box images on Cratejoy and got excited that maybe there’s a different sticker in each box!

Thanks for letting us know about the new kids box from this owner—I just took a peek at their website and it appears the same bear logo is on the Wild Child box, too. I’m definitely curious about it, and to your point about wanting spoilers, I’d love to see some sneak peeks to gauge if it could work for my 2-year-old daughter. 🙂

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Sharon in SE TX

I got the same bear sticker in the May, June and July boxes.


To me, half the reason to get a subscription box is value, because you don’t necessarily need the stuff in there, nor do you get to pick it. For example, would you really choose to buy a fanny pack right this second? And if you did, would you choose that particular design? Part of the incentive to pay full price is to get the features you want. I’d be really mad if I got a box that didn’t have value as part of the package.

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Christen Russo

You’re so right, Theresa. There are rare subs centered around something I’m obsessed with so I know I’ll love the contents even if I wouldn’t have chosen them myself—that’s stationery subs for me. Otherwise I’m only finding myself granting the “good curation” pass to boxes that have a great value MOST months and are just having a one-off low value month. Beyond that, like you said, they’ve gotta impress me to feel worth it long-term!

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I completely agree. Yes, curation blah blah, but if I’m paying 40-plus bucks for a subscription box, allowing for the obvious fact that I’ll probably receive stuff that I’m not interested in, or that I’d never pay for, I expect to get at minimum more than the cost of the box in value. Not the same, not just under, but more. Otherwise what’s the point? Just to get a bunch of random stuff that you overpaid for?

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I enjoyed this review! I’d be lying if I said I was outdoorsy, but I’m working on it. This curation makes it feel less intimidating, and I could use all this stuff in finding small ways to get outside more. Keeping an eye on this one!

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Christen Russo

Thank you so much, Carrie! It’s so cool to hear you say the items in this box make nature feel approachable to you, because that’s one of Wild Woman’s goals. May the Great Outdoors become a place of respite and rejuvenation for you!

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